Nothing's too hard for God: Wk. 1: Day 2

Nothing is too hard for God: Wk. 1 Day 2 Devotional

Everyone Needs Forgiveness
Romans 3:10,23

If the Early Church had a superstar, it was surely the Apostle Paul. Through the course of four missionary journeys, he founded many congregations, led countless souls to the Lord, and penned much of the New Testament. When last seen on earth, he was sacrificing his life for the gospel. Without a doubt, Paul stood as the greatest Christian leader of his time.

Yet this spiritual giant had a less-than-stellar past. Before accepting Christ, Paul persecuted the Church, sending many Christians to prison—or worse. He even referred to himself as the “chief” of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). No doubt Paul had himself in mind when he stated bluntly in verse 23:

For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.

No matter who we are or what we’ve done, we need forgiveness. The great news is that regardless of whether our past is cause for relief or regret, God met our need for cleansing through His Son Jesus. Now He asks only that we acknowledge our need and accept His gift of love.

Why can it sometimes be a struggle for us to admit that we need forgiveness?

What will happen if we ignore or resist acknowledging that need?
