Nothing's too hard for God: Wk. 6: Day 4: God Cares

God Cares
Matthew 10:29-31; Luke 12:6, 7

Have you ever faced a serious financial crisis? Maybe you lost your job or received a substantial cut in pay. Perhaps an unexpected medical problem resulted in bills you could never afford. Many people in recent years have seen their mortgage payments rise substantially, leaving them struggling to keep up. And a good number of families have watched their personal debt rise to the point that they’re staring at bankruptcy.

Now imagine that you find yourself in this situation, and it becomes obvious that no one seems concerned with your dilemma, much less willing to help. In fact, even your closest friends would rather point out your mistakes or criticize decisions that led to the problem. What an incredibly lonely and frustrating situation that would be.

Sadly, many faithful Christians have found themselves in this very position. Maybe you’ve been part of that group yourself. Perhaps you’re there right now. The good news is that we’re not alone or overlooked when financial crises come. Our God is deeply and intimately concerned with our problems, and His incredible compassion is vividly illustrated by Christ’s words in Luke 12:7.

The very hairs of your head are numbered. Don’t be afraid;
you are worth more than many sparrows.

The message is clear. God places a value on us that is unmeasurable. His knowledge of our lives, our cares, and our fears reaches beyond comprehension. So, when you find yourself suffocating under the anxiety of financial stress, look to God for help. When you don’t know where to turn, and it seems like you’re all alone, give your burden to the Lord. He knows your needs. He sees your challenges. He understands the struggles. Trust Him for wisdom, strength, and provisions. Find comfort in the assurance of two simple but powerful words: God cares.

Why do you think some people struggle with the concept that God cares deeply about the problems and needs they face? Why is it important to recognize that He does indeed care?

How would you respond to a friend who said to you, “I’ve made some really bad decisions, and now my finances are a disaster. I want to pray for help, but why would God even listen to me after what I’ve done?”
