Nothing's too hard for God: Wk. 7: Day 7: God still has a plan

Romans 8:28, 29

“I don’t think life can ever be good again.”

We’ve all probably experienced valleys of grief or loss that left us saying—or at least thinking—these very words. And such a reaction is understandable. Some things in life are irreplaceable. The grieving widow, or the father who just lost his child, can only think of how good it was to have that loved one near. Life will never be the same. And that aspiring professional who just lost the career she worked a quarter century to build can’t help but wonder where she could possibly go from here.

The pain of loss is very real. That’s because the value we place on who or what was lost is very real, and very precious. But there is hope. The apostle Paul offered this reminder in Romans 8:28.

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

If uttered by mere humans, these words could come across as trite. “Don’t worry; it will all work out in the end,” can ring hollow when the storm is raging around us. That’s when we need to stop and reflect on what these words really say, what truth they actually offer us in the midst of life’s darkest hours.

Note that God never minimizes or dismisses our pain. This verse doesn’t say, “In the end, you’ll find that what you’re experiencing was actually something good.” No, the times of hurt are indeed very real. Our Lord knows that. And because He, too, walked this earth, He can empathize with the struggle.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, we’re reminded that God is still at work in our lives, even when we feel we’re at a standstill. It isn’t up to us, then, to find the way toward a bright, hopeful future. Even as we hurt, our souls crying out for the loss we’ve suffered, God has an eye toward something good. We may not see it now; we may not be able to see it. But He still has plans for us. And in spite of all that has happened, those plans are still in effect.

Are you hurting from a loss today? Take the time necessary to grieve and mourn, knowing that God is there with you. And even in the hurt, don’t allow yourself to lose sight of the fact that somewhere in the future, in a time that may seem quite far away, God is still working on a marvelous plan for your life. He sees beyond the pain, even when we never could.

Have you ever suffered a loss that left you wondering if life would ever really be good again? How did you respond?

Why is it important to recognize that God still has good plans for us, even when we can’t imagine what those plans might be?
