Nothing's Too Hard For God: Wk. 5: Day 3: Don't Be Afraid
Don’t Be Afraid
Proverbs 3:25, 26
Have you ever been to a haunted house at a carnival? Usually they’re quite predictable. “Victims” walk through a maze of narrow, darkened passages. Without warning, the lights will go out as the floor becomes tilted. Sometimes water drips from the ceiling, or something begins banging on the walls. All the while, strange sounds emanate from unseen places. And, without exception, an unexpected “visitor” will jump, screaming, from a hidden doorway. He’s often the same guy who took your ticket at the start.
As predictable and even corny a haunted house might seem, many people still find them frightening. Although they know nothing in there can really hurt them, they become startled and unsettled. All assurances of safety seem forgotten as goosebumps start forming on the back of their necks.
Of course, a haunted house has no basis in reality. But everyday life often presents us with circumstances that could cause anyone to be afraid. Yet God assures us that these crises don’t need to fill our hearts with fear either. Take heart in the words of Proverbs 3:25,26:
Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.
Fear is capable of freezing us in our tracks and destroying our joy in the Lord. We see how problems and troubles afflict the world, and we’re tempted to assume those calamities will get the best of us as well. But we have a great assurance in God. No matter our circumstances, we can go to the Lord for help, fully confident that He will protect us and provide what we need to overcome. Yes, trouble will still “pop up” on us unexpectedly. But we have Someone to guide us safely through.
Why do you think God allows us to go through circumstances that could cause fear? What can we learn in those situations?
What kind of problem is most likely to cause you to be afraid? Why? How do you normally respond in those situations? What kind of response would best demonstrate your confidence in God?
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