Nothing's Too Hard For God: Wk. 7: Day 5: You Can Go On

You Can Go On Isaiah 40:29-31 Have you ever watched the Olympic marathon on television? It can be quite a sight as some of the greatest runners in the world cover the 26.2 miles in just over 2 hours. Often their relaxed smiles as they cross the finish line might leave us wondering if the race took much out of them at all—it seems to come so naturally to them. But nothing could be further from the truth. Experts say that the most challenging part of a marathon occurs at around the 20-mile mark, a point in the race often called “the wall.” It happens when the body has used most of its readily-available energy, and has to begin functioning on the energy that’s been stored. As a result, muscles become extremely tired and sore; it can be a chore to simply continue putting one foot in front of the other. For that reason, it’s said that in order for champion runners to be successful, he or she first must learn how to endure and conquer the wall. For some who experience the devastating pain of a loss, it can seem as if their life has hit “the wall.” All strength is gone. In their souls they feel weak and tired. Some may even wonder how they’ll ever be able to go on. But there’s hope in those desperate circumstances. Listen to the powerful promise spoken by Isaiah to all those who place their trust in the Lord, found in Isaiah 40:29,31. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak... Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. If you’ve suffered loss in your life, you may know all too well how it can rob you of even the strength and will to go on. For you, these are incredible words of promise. When your own strength is gone, you can find hope in knowing God offers aid from His own, unlimited supply. If the pain of life’s circumstances seems overwhelming, you can surrender to the Lord, who will renew you and give you hope beyond what you could ever find in yourself. Times of loss can leave us feeling discouraged, even crushed. But be assured—God still has a marvelous road set before us. In Him we can find the strength to move ahead today, follow His perfect plan, and experience the great reward He has in store for all those who’ve committed their ways to Him. Have you ever felt as if you didn’t have the strength to simply go on in life? How did you respond? What are some ways God can renew our strength, our perspective, and even our ability to rise above hard circumstances when we place our trust in Him?
