Resurrection Weekend

This coming Friday we will have two Good Friday services: one at 12 noon and another at 6:30 PM. These service are intended to honor the work of Jesus on the cross. I feel that Good Friday often comes and goes with little attention. However, Good Friday Celebration is one of our most ancient practices, having been practiced in Christianity for thousands of years.

Occasionaly someone will tell me that they don't feel the presence of the Lord in most areas of their life, adding, that they feel dry. I usually ask how much sacred space they have in their life for God? Knowing that most people give very little room for him in their lives. Most people study, pray, worship and attend church infrequently; they are extremely busy and time with God fits in where it can. However, study, prayer, worship and fellowship are crucial for spiritual growth, as are. times of deep sacred listening amd reflection.

This is why we are offering services where this sacred space promoted and we encourage you to make room to do as the James wrote, "come near to God, and he will come near to you," James 4:8.

Come and join us for worship, communion and prayer at either noon or 6:30 PM. Child care will be availalbe at both services.

Easter Morning, Family Faith Day: we will be having a full Sunday begining with Sunday School at 9:15 AM With the theme, LIBERTY. Do you know somoene who is stuck and in need of freedom. Why don't you invite them to Sunday School and offer to come with them? You never know, thegreates journey to freedom often starts with one small step .

Then our Worship service begins at 10:30 AM featuring nearly 10 people presenting themselves for war baptism. You will hear powerful testimonies of how God through His Church has changed lves!

Immediately aftero ur normal service we are hosting an Easter Egg hunt for kids, ncluded is a bounce house and other fun activities. We are hoping to wrap it up by 1:30 PM.

Great Blessings on you this Ressurection Weekend!

Pastor John
