A week of comfort and prayer: Sparks Shooting, Light, Healing, Peace.

An old Jewish prayer goes like this:
Blessed are you, God of Life who helps us to bring Light where there is darkness,
Healing where there is brokenness, and Peace to all of the earth's inhabitants.

In a recent class on the Old Testament class with students from many Churches in the Reno area we discussed the right response for ministers in the local area. A local minister had published a public blog on the subject before 9 AM—the shooting occurred around 7 AM.

I told the class that the last thing our community needs in light of the shooting were opinions, commentaries or blame. What we need is a ministry of encouragement—giving of courage. Ministers need to learn the power of a ministry of presence as much as they hone a ministry of words. Sometimes the best thing to say in response to a tragedy is nothing at all.

We should aspire toward that end; to be seen, present; emotionally, spiritually and physically. We should know our job in this world, to be salt and light, comfort and strength.

I said that Jewish prayer this morning and with all my heart I want God to help me be light, healing and peace. I hope you resonate with those thoughts and that you can take comfort in knowing that God is not distant from those suffering with this tragedy, although he may be silent; he is here and he is vibrant in his ministry of encouragement and comfort.

Pastor John
