A Week of sorrowful prayer: Sparks Shooting: In our weakness, God's strength is perfect.

One of the strangest Bible verses is 2 Corinthians 12:9, which reads: "God's power is made perfect in weakness (personal translation)." So, instead of encouraging people to be stronger, the text implies that a person ought to be weak, then God can be strong. It is downright humbling when you think about it. God's victory is not based on your ability to stand strong. That takes a lot of pressure off of a person.

This is strange because at its foundation it is very antithetical to a message very popular in our culture; which encourages us to do that opposite, avoid weakness like a plague. Drug companies coerce us to take charge offering us a myriad ways to escape weakness, with ease. But as John Piper has noted, Christianity offers power to endure weakness in love.

Coming to Jesus in my era included the idea that Jesus would make me happy and he does, but not always. He is here to make me holy, not just happy. There are times that the tide of joy has gone out, when the winds have blown. There have been times on the mountain tops, but there have also been times in the valley. Contrary to popular belief, the valley experiences are not always because we have done something wrong, God may have us in a valley because that is how life is, there are ups, there are downs. God is with me on the mountain top, with me in the joy; but there are other times, sanctified times, where I find myself in the valley none-the-less, God is there also.

vs 9 of 2 Cor. 12 tells us that, we will face insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. These things happen, Paul is not inferring personal sin as the cause. Paul is not referring to behavior—like a person who has a weakness for lust; or a weakness for overeating, no. He is not saying that , The power of Christ is perfected in bad choices. These weaknesses are circumstances and situations and experiences that weaken us. This tragic incident which occurred this last week are evidences of this. I do not personally know Mike Landsberry, but he was not expecting this tragedy nor did God plan it and we feel weak in trying to understand why, searching for answers for some way to make sense of this and other tragedies. As N.T. Wright suggests, God didn't make the trouble, he bears it's weight, like he bore the cross.

These situations may come from the evil and distorted heart of men, they may come from the twisted design of Satan. For those who believe, none of that is relevant. What is relevant is that our weaknesses are are re-directed for our good. God will take what Satan means for evil and work it for our good.

One good thing that comes from God's purpose in our weaknesses is that the grace and power of Jesus are made real. The main point of verses 9–10. "sufficient grace." God's makes us a showcase for Jesus' power. But not as the world does, not by getting rid of all our weaknesses; but by giving strength grace and power despite them.

God's strengthens us with the same kind of power that moved Christ to the cross. The deepest need that you and I have in weakness is not quick relief, rather Godly strength. We can have confidence that what ever might be is happening to us or around us is dealt with by God's power and grace—the same power that bore Jesus to the cross.

So, instead of hiding our problems, we can celebrate them. We can choose to have contentment knowing we are in good hands and help, it is coming. We can be humble, weak so that God might be our strength.

Pastor John
