Parents set the Spiritual tone for their families

In just about every marriage ceremony I perform I include the following encouragement to the bride and groom "as a person who has been in ministry for nearly three decades, let me say that your real work and ministry is right here, in this new family. Everything that you will do in life will flow from this relationship." I say this because of all the things that get ignored in life, the spiritual work  in our families that God expects from each of us is probably the thing that most families ignore the most. In some sense it is understandable, people need to work, they have homes to maintain; kids have school and other activities; it is easy to get distracted from what I will call "mission 1;" which is the home as a mission field.

Have you thought much about the state of your spouses soul, or that of your children? Have you ever wondered your role in reaching them for the Kingdom of God? It is important that you do. The Bible and current statistics indicate that the family is the primary tool used by God to reach others. Church is important as are its programs but you are the thing that God uses most for spiritual growth. God charges parents to the following:
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise (Deut. 6:6-7).

We have ministries at Church and there are a place for those, but your spiritual work at home is crucial. All of the ministries at Church are to be a resource to help you with your work on the home front. Our ministries to women offer a place to refresh, strengthen and direction for life and home; as are our ministries to men. We hope that through these ministries that you can grow and to be as 2 Tim 3:17 notes "equipped for every good work." Our ministries to children and youth have the same goal in mind, teaching relationship and mission and to be a resource for you.

Sue and I believe that is the focus of our ministry to you, that you would fully experience the gospel of growth and stability. That your homes would resonate with the peace of God in every dimension of your life. That your lives would not be characterized by marital strife, or conflict with your children, Our prayer is the same as John the Apostles, 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

That was our primary purpose in hosting our Family Faith Day this last week. We hope that you enjoyed it and that it ministered to your children.

This coming week you have an opportunity to build on that event. This does not have to be complicated. You could talk about it around your dinner table, or in your car ride to school, or as you tuck them into bed. It would only take a few moments to share with your children (a spouse for that matter) that you gave your heart to Jesus and made him Lord. Talk about how you, not a perfect person, have come to know the perfect love of your creator. Speak to them about the importance of having faith. I am hoping that this week affords you an opportunity to share faith with your family. My hope is that in some way, faith can be something you experience together. That it would not always be about the business of life, but also about the glories of The Kingdom of God.

This coming Sunday. we are offering a water baptism service. In order to encourage you in the effort of sharing faith with your family we have provided great resources for you to use. We are posting a kid themed video on water baptism and an outline for you to use in talking with your family about faith and baptism.
The link for them is:

One ending thought, you know what I enjoyed most about this last Sunday? It was watching all the children in worship along with all of you. I had the great privilege to watch my grandchildren worship the Lord; even more profound, they had a chance to see me in worship as well. As singer/songwriter Rodney Atkins noted, your kids and spouse have been "watching you!"

Maybe you might need to be baptized, can you imagine the impact it might have on your kids to see you surrender to Jesus in the waters of baptism? It would be awesome!

If you are interested in participating in baptism this Sunday, please let me know. Feel free to invite other family members or friends, it will be an awesome experience.

God richly Bless Each of You!

Pastor John
