G. K. Chesterton, a prominent Christian author, once suggested that we get into the habit of "taking things with gratitude and not taking things for granted." Gratitude is one of the most important practice of all the spiritual practices. It puts everything into a right perspective; delivering us from selfish myopathy. It enables us to see the many blessings which are all around us. It also has the tremendous power to enable us to see blessings in what would normally be viewed as trouble. It is the vehicle that takes us right to the front door of the house where "all things work for our good (Rom. 8); a destination that complaining will never bring us; and as blogger Victor Manning says, "complaints will never take us to God's great house."
Like the Prophet, Habakuk, we need to be able to turn our complaints into praise, that is the heart of thanks--giving. This is even more important when things are not turing out the way we want them to; when God's blessings are hard to see. Habukuk 3 reads:
17 Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls—
18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
Giving thanks takes practice and we get better at it the more we do it. And the more ways we find to give thanks, the more things we find to be grateful for.Gratitude is one of the primary foundations for living in life in the Spirit.
Here are some things to think about in turning criticism into praise:
1. Develop the habit of praise and see it as such, a habit; and a good habit to have.
2. Be genuinely grateful for your life.
3. Build not tear down, give courage, not discourage which will diminish courage in you and those around you.
4. Learn the difference between criticism and exhortation.
5. Love, don't be angry. It is easy to let contempt for others to frustrate you. This will taint your view of the world. Paul said to be angry without sin. If you are angry you have to deal with your anger. Start by admitting that it is your anger.
6. Find a pathway to praise. When you feel stuck or frustrated, take the first step and speak out what ever might be praiseworthy in your situation.
As I have mentioned in previous sermons, get your head right, get your heart right, you'll get your life right. Watch what you say and recover your life.
Great Blessings and Peace to each of you...
Pastor John
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