Church Board Nominations

Valley View Christian Fellowship Nominating Committee and our current Church Board are seeking a candidate who will help us achieve all the mission that God would has for us as a church.

Valley View Christian Fellowship seeks a Spirit-Filled, servant-hearted leader who demonstrates Christ-like character. This leader will be a servant who loves people, able to teach and utilize the Bible as a tool for instruction. They should also be a person of good reputation, whose life is able to bear the responsibilities of church leadership. A person who is humble and and able to foster strong bonds of mutual trust between other board, the congregation, our city and beyond.

We have developed a profile for this position as an aid in making your decision.

I wanted to post some of the members of the nominating committee:
Bill and Barbra Golden
Greg and Rachel Kendall
Breanna Ledford

Each of these people, as well as the current Church Board, are available as a point of contact for you. Nomination forms are available in the church office and online at:

Nomination Form:

Church Board Profile:
